Strider John here!

Let me help you live your best life!

Strider John Peterson

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Personal Growth and Personal Development for Men spoken here!

Welcome!  You've come here looking for an ally along your path of personal growth and personal development.

I'm Strider John Peterson, and I work with purpose-driven men on the challenges they have in their relationships, and how this impacts their health, wealth, and happiness.

The women’s movement has created seismic shifts in gender roles, opportunities, and expectations in modern society. We're better off as a result, yet generations of men have been caught off guard, and have had to adapt on the fly.

Neither men nor women saw this coming! Therefore:

  • Many men lack a sense of purpose.
  • Many women feel a lack of support from the men in their lives.
  • Relationships suffer because guys and gals are talking past each other in what seems like a different language.

So, as a man of purpose:

  • Do you feel your life is missing something essential?
  • Do you struggle in your relationships with women, or with other men?
  • Are you on the brink of separation or divorce?
  • Are you unable to attract good people into your life, or keep them around once you’ve gotten their attention?
  • Do you have a fire burning inside you that needs tending?

If this describes you, then I have some tough love to deliver to you:



Coaching offerings:

Follow the links below for details about my current coaching offerings:

I coach men like you along their personal growth and personal development path, so they can thrive in ways they didn't know was possible. Work with me, and expect to dive deeply into:

  • your diet, sleep, exercise, breathing, and mindset habits, so that you operate at peak physical and mental capacity.
  • how to harness the power of sacred masculine and feminine energies to live happier, and become the kind of man that other people look up to.
  • what qualities women are yearning to see embodied in the men in their lives, and why failing to step forward here is lethal to relationships.
  • social conditioning that has warped your understanding of male roles, placed shame around social taboos, and prevented you from expressing your true nature in full.
path to personal growth

My default language describes a male / female, heterosexual relationship dynamic.
However, because masculine and feminine energies are at work in all people, the principles I teach can be applied to all people regardless of whom they are attracted to.
That’s why I work with male-identifying persons of all ages, backgrounds, and persuasions.

The cost of doing nothing

Even if we feel our lives are missing something, there's a temptation to stand pat, ride it out, or stick with the status quo. There is comfort in familiar things, even if they are not good for us.

Think carefully about what inaction is costing you. If you believe there is no charge, think again!

Here's the truth: Failing to embrace the challenge of personal growth stacks the deck against you!

  • You will continue to be influenced by negative messages from the media and other sources.
  • You will search for the source of your unhappiness in places other than within yourself, and never experience the liberation of accepting full responsibility for your success and happiness.
  • You will retain bitterness about past wrongs done to you, blocking the arrival of Love, Joy, and Peace into your life.
  • You will continue to be controlled by limiting beliefs with no clue how to weaken their influence on you.
  • You will strike a bargain with yourself that "this is as good as life gets", thereby wasting golden opportunities that are close at hand.
  • You will give up personal control of your life's trajectory in favor of someone else's agenda.
  • You will lose out on the great bounty a life well lived offers you: in your career, your spiritual life, your health, your love life, and in your family and friendships.
couch potato with remote

Personal growth and personal development takes work and dedication, and not everyone embraces that challenge.

You know what else takes work?
Living an unfulfilled life, that's what!

Think about it: Whether it's in your career, relationships, or personal health, lack of personal fulfillment is exhausting and expensive.
Why not embrace an opportunity to make things better for yourself?
Why accept less than the best for yourself?

Most-asked questions about personal growth coaching:

Why is Personal Growth Important? Why expend the effort required to improve ourselves?

What are the Benefits of Life Coaching? What do we have to gain by investing in ourselves through coaching?

What does a Life Coach Do? Is this anything like athletic coaching?

How Does Life Coaching Work? What must I bring to the table to make coaching work for me?

All people desire more Love and Joy in their lives, and to win back the power that is their birthright.

But obstacles block their path! Hear now from the mouths of men:

  • “I used to be able to do no wrong around her, now she regards me with suspicion. “
  • "I'm easily swayed by the judgments of others, and I don't want to live like that anymore"
  • "I just wish she could see the effort I put into our relationship. It's tough when everything I do seems to be under a magnifying glass, and I can't catch a break."
  • "My mind is an overwhelming cauldron of rage about the unfairness in the world, I want to move beyond it"
  • “She tells me I need to help out more, yet I’m busting my ass around the house. How come she doesn’t see that?”
  • "I'm at a crossroads in my life and find myself easily derailed and distracted. I need direction!"
  • “She’s closed off to me, barely interested in sex anymore.”
  • "I love her with all my heart, but her constant criticism makes me question if she feels the same way about me."
  • “She’s got all these aches and pains and it affects our happiness. I can’t touch her without her cringing.”
  • "I love her dearly, but it feels like I'm walking on eggshells sometimes. No matter how hard I try, it seems like there's always something she's unhappy with."
  • "I'm at a crossroads in my life and find myself easily derailed and distracted. I need direction!"
  • "I would like to unload a lot of past baggage and to stop dwelling on past grievances."
personal growth and personal development

Do these words resonate with you?

Do you hear your own voice in these words?

If so, then you and I should talk about your personal growth and personal development journey, to invite more Joy, more Peace, more success into your life!

thumbs up for personal growth

Asking for help is a sign of strength, not of weakness!!

It's how we get better at meeting life's challenges, and fulfilling our obligations as responsible adults. 

It all starts with you! Take a step toward a better life by booking your complimentary coaching consultation now!

Strider was flexible in creating a plan, and flexible with each and every obstacle that presented itself. Thank you, Strider, for your accepting and kind words, and the many tools to help me navigate back to my new and better self.

AJ, Arizona, USA

I highly recommend Strider John as a life coach. He is professional and compassionate. I deeply valued the time we spent together.

CW, Arizona, USA

Our sessions have been productive and make me feel my self-worth is valued. Strider is an uplifting coach, and very easy to communicate with. I highly recommend Strider as a life and career coach.

B.M., Oregon, USA

Check my Meetup group "Men Who Love Women" for a list of my latest classes and courses!

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