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How to hydrate better

You've heard this before: our bodies are about 50 - 75% water. We lose water through perspiration, respiration, and elimination. This continues even while we sleep. We need to replace this fluid every day for our bodies to run efficiently. Failure to do so disrupts critical bodily functions due to fluid imbalance and a shortage of electrolytes. Acute and chronic dehydration threaten our health, so knowing how to hydrate better is essential.

how to hydrate better

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The signs and risks of dehydration

Dehydration can be caused by a short-term increase in physical activity or a change in daily routine that cuts in to our hydration habit. Long-term, a habit of drinking too little, relying on caffeinated beverages, or taking diuretic medications can lead to chronic dehydration.

A short-term imbalance of fluid intake can lead to fatigue, extreme thirst, an increased heart rate, and dark-colored urine. Over time, this condition can lead to headaches, dry skin, lack of focus, constipation, and increased risk of kidney stones.

How to hydrate better: how much water is just right?

How much water you need depends on your body weight, level of activity, and your surroundings (hot vs. cold, humid vs. dry). Caffeinated beverages don't count because they act as diuretics, which dry us out over the long run.

It's better to drink fluids in frequent, short sips rather than guzzling a large amount at once. This allows the body to absorb the fluids gradually.

Start with this recommendation to know how to hydrate better:

  • Take half your weight in pounds, drink that much in ounces daily, or
  • Take your weight in kilos, drink .03 of that amount in liters daily.

How to hydrate better: Avoiding "food comas"

Do you often feel tired after a meal? This is natural because your body diverts blood to your digestive tract and away from your brain. You may feel tempted to reach for a caffeinated drink to lift your energy, but this doesn't help with what your body needs in the moment, which is rest and hydration.

A short, midday nap is a luxury many of us don't have in our busy world, but we do have access to water. Hydrating well can mitigate the food coma (aka "post-prandial narcolepsy") that follows a meal.

how to hydrate better

How to hydrate better: keeping it clean

Access to clean drinking water is something we take for granted in the developed world. Yet not all drinking water, whether from municipal sources or from wells, is ready to drink straight from the tap. Impurities can enter the water from natural and human sources.

It's a good idea to test the water you drink regularly for contaminants. This can be done with a purchased water test kit, or by sending a sample to a water testing lab. I use a TDS (for Total Dissolved Solids) meter to test my home water supply, at my workplace, and when I travel. Low levels are better. According to the Safe Drinking Water Foundation, TDS levels under 600 mg/liter are considered good to excellent, whereas levels over 1,200 are considered unacceptable. TDS meters are inexpensive, portable, and easy to operate.

hydrating better

Water filters or boiling remove most contaminants. Chlorine (added as a disinfectant) will dissipate within a few hours if the water is left open on the countertop. Chloramine, another commonly used disinfectant, will not dissipate this way, but can be rendered inert with Vitamin C. My local water is treated this way, and I keep a jug of tap water on the kitchen counter into which I drop a half a Vitamin C tablet. The water tastes fine, TDS tests at around 150, and I avoid the expense and hassle of a filter system.

How you choose to treat your local water starts by contacting your local water authority and asking what disinfectants are added to the water and how to remove them. These professionals take pride in their work delivering high-quality water to their fellow citizens, and should be happy to assist you. Considering the importance of good drinking water, though, it's best to verify their claims by testing for yourself.

How to hydrate better: bottled vs. tap water?

The global market for bottled water is estimated at over $200 billion. That's a lot of water, and a lot of money! Consumers choose bottled water for convenience and because local sources may not be safe to drink. There is a lot of waste associated with bottled water, though, as most of those plastic bottles end up in the waste stream with just a small percentage being recycled.

In the long run, the best approach to knowing how to hydrate better is to make sure that what comes out of your tap is safe and tastes good, then filling your own reusable water bottle when on the go. You may need to purchase a filter or use some other method to get there, but once you hit on a good practice you're far better off doing this than purchasing water in bottles that can't be reused.

drinking good water

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