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What does a life coach do, anyway?

Everyone understands the role of an athletic coach: the one on the sidelines, barking out instructions, encouraging, correcting, and motivating his or her charges through the heat of competition. That's the public face of coaching.

Behind the scenes, they teach and refine skills, recruit, negotiate, and plot in-game strategy. He or she prepares the players for the challenges ahead, so that when they go onto the field of play, they're ready to go.

what does a life coach do

With that familiar picture in our minds, it's fair to ask what does a life coach do? There are no games to manage, and their work happens out of the public eye. Yet their work is just as important, because they help people live better lives! 

Life coach, personal growth coach, personal development coach: these terms describe basically the same role, and I use them interchangeably.

what does a life coach do

What does a life coach do? Help you to recognize and remove obstacles to your success!

As your coach, I will help you to recognize and remove growth obstacles in your life. Many of us hold limiting beliefs about our own abilities or worthiness. These manifest as self-sabotage: we want to go a certain direction, but nagging inner voices won't allow us.

Identifying and helping to clear these limiting beliefs is Step One in your personal growth and development plan. It's a way of helping you "lift the anchor"  that has been holding you in place, and preventing you from living up to your full potential.

Check my Meetup group "Men Who Love Women" for a list of my latest classes and courses!

What does a life coach do? Help you set ambitious yet attainable goals for yourself!

That means identifying what you want and don't want in your life, and help you figure out what success means to you! With that knowledge, you'll articulate ambitious goals for yourself, because working toward goals moves you closer to where you want to be.

life goals

What does a life coach do? Help you to construct a personal development plan!

As your life coach, I will work with you to design a long term personal growth plan. This will include figuring out which tools and techniques work for you, and which don't. That's important, because incorporating every available personal growth tool and technique is neither possible nor necessary!

You and I will figure out milestones to guide the journey and mark your progress. Importantly, I will instill in you the trust that the plan will lead to significant change for you.

setting life goals

What does a life coach do? Introduce you to new perspectives on personal development

As a certified professional life coach, I am a committed life-long learner. No one person can stay on top of all developments in the field of personal growth and personal development, which expands every day. It’s my job to be always learning, always growing, and always sharing what I’ve learned with you.

I am honest about what I know and don't know. It’s a big world out there!

personal development challenge

What does a life coach do? Keep you on task!

I listen for signs of “back-sliding” and move to quickly correct them. Resistance to change is a normal part of your growth process.

Changing habits takes up to 90 days, which requires you, the client, to be persistent and patient. Yet you’ll never walk alone. I will be by your side along the way.

Do you have a general question about personal growth coaching? Ask it here!

Learn more about coaching with Strider John for yourself here!

What does a life coach do? Teach you to control your thought patterns!

I will help you gain control over negative thought patterns that impede your progress. I will listen for destructive, down-presser language and encourage positive, life-affirming self-talk, knowing that this is the basis of developing a new relationships to life's possibilities, and to attracting your desired outcome.

what does a life coach do

What does a life coach do? Stand by you as you push through obstacles!

As your personal development coach, I will challenge you to push through obstacles that inevitably arise on your inward journey, in full awareness of how difficult this can be. I will be your sideline cheerleader and celebrate your successes with you.

fist bump for personal growth

What does a life coach do? Hold you accountable!

I push my clients to follow through on the action items that will bring their goals to life. I will get your commitment to a practice and hold you accountable to seeing it through.

What a life coach DOES NOT do!

  • Psychoanalyze
  • Provide therapy
  • Diagnosis mental illness
  • Force change on you
  • Accept excuses
  • ...your self-improvement work for you!

Coaching vs. therapy

Coaching has similarities to psychotherapy, but it is not the same thing. Psychotherapists work within the health care system, and are trained in diagnosing mental health conditions. Therapy can help you to understand and work through events in your past that affect you today.

Personal development coaching concerns itself less with what lies in your past than with moving you forward from where you are today. It works best with people who have gotten a handle on their major psychological issues, if there are any, and who are ready to unleash their hidden power. Coaching can be seen as an extension of psychotherapy, not as a replacement for it.

I hope this page answers the question "what does a life coach do?" Remember: the personal development coach does none of these things FOR you. You must do the work yourself. I will be in your corner, cheering you on. Returning to the sports analogy, you are the one in uniform, between the lines, and I will be on the sidelines to observe, offer corrections, and encourage you.

Personal growth coaching can be incredibly rewarding, touching several different areas of your life. Work with me, and discover a personal growth coach 100% dedicated to your success!

life coach keeps you motivated

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